What are the benefits of doing Pilates?

You may have heard of Pilates but maybe you’re not really sure what it is or what the benefits are for you?

Maybe your friend raves about it or your doctor or physio has suggested doing it to help your back or manage other aches and pains.

Pilates is exercise. It is an amazing system of exercise that builds a strong and supple body so that you can move with ease as you go about your daily routine or do the things you love. Moving your body feels good and improves your mood.

We have exercises we do on the mat that you can practice anywhere, which is only one part of the wider Classical Pilates system, and includes lots of other exercises on all the equipment that Joseph Pilates (the creator of Pilates) created to help you find strength, stretch and control in your body.

We’ll share more about the equipment in a future blog post but we have a reformer, spine correctors, foot corrector, magic circles and other fun small pieces of equipment to help you go deeper in your Pilates practice that you’ll get to experience in private sessions (one-to-one) and working out with a friend in a duet session (two-to-one).

So what are all these benefits, you’re asking?

Pilates is great for all sorts of things, this list only scratches the surface…

🙆‍♀️🙆 Stretch your body from head to toe

⚖️ Even out imbalances in your body that can cause tightness, pain or tension

💪 Get stronger so you can move easier and feel good in your body

😵‍💫 Destress and relax (ha, don’t we all need this one?!)

🥴 Manage, reduce and avoid pain — in your back, neck, knees, hips...and the list goes on

🤳 The antidote to tech neck

🦵Better balance to help with other exercise you like to do and reduce the risk of falls

💃🕺🫁 Improve your posture — feel better, breathe better and look better

⚡️ Feel energised

😎 Release tension

🥵 Get your sweat on — yes, it is possible to get a good sweaty workout with Pilates

…that all sounds pretty good, don’t you think?

Doing something new can seem scary, right?

We hear you. If you don’t know what you’re going to do when you’re trying something new, things can seem a bit daunting.

Maybe you’re concerned you’ll make a plonker of yourself (you won’t!).

You’re thinking you’ll wait until you’re fitter, stronger or more flexible (please don’t wait, this is exactly what we can help you with).

Maybe you’re nervous because you’re not sure what to expect, what does a Pilates class look like anyway? (check out our FAQs to get an idea of what you’ll do in our classes and sessions).

However, the best thing to do is to come and give it a try. We offer you a supportive and welcoming environment where everyone works at their own pace and focuses on their body in our small group classes — plus the other people who come to our classes are super nice too. You’ll be in good company.

Give it a go at one of our taster classes

We want more people doing Pilates and we want you to see and feel those benefits as soon as possible. We have two free taster mat classes coming up in August at Maitri Studio so that you can do just that.

Join our mailing list (via the home page) if you want a chance to book first when we announce the dates. You can also keep an eye here on the blog, or on our Facebook page, where we’ll be sharing further info next week about the dates and how to book.

We look forward to meeting you at one of our taster classes in August. If you’ve any questions in the meantime about the taster classes, our intro offer, or would like to chat about what the best options are for you, we’d love to hear from you — get in touch with Christine now.


Pilates taster classes at Maitri Studio in August


Pilates…the fastest hour of the week?