Early bird booking for new studio timetable

Thank you to everyone who voted on what you wanted to see at the new studio. I’ve listened, and here’s a peek at what I’ve got coming for you.

✅ Early morning private sessions from 7.30am so you can get your ‘me time’ in for your body first thing to set you up for the day

✅ Private sessions on Saturday mornings

✅ An extra morning mat class, perfect for those of you who want 2 classes per week

✅ Evening mat classes

✅ Duet sessions for Pilates with a friend

See the class timetable here and find out more about my intro offer for private sessions to get you started here.

Booking opens on Tuesday 22 August. Join my mailing list for 24-hours of early bird access to book on Monday 21 August.

What to expect in the new studio?

If we haven’t met yet, I want to take a moment to tell you a bit more about my background, how I teach Pilates and how that helps you get what you want out of your Pilates practice.

How I got here

Although I’m just about to open my own studio now, I’ve worked my socks off for more than 10 years to become the best teacher I can and to bring Classical Pilates to Belfast so you can enjoy the benefits. Find out more about how I got here in this blog post.

I'm the only Classical Pilates teacher in Belfast, more about what that means below.

Why I want to help you with Pilates

I love helping you create balance in your body with Pilates to avoid overworking or underworking certain parts of your body.

Your life, work and hobbies all shape your body, so even if you’re already active, Pilates is a great addition to the mix to keep your body balanced.

I want you to feel good in your body so you can enjoy doing the things you love, without putting life on hold due to aches or pains. I've been there.

I also want to help you age better, whatever your age. So you feel youthful by maintaining a strong and supple body as you get older. Whether you're currently 25, 55 or 75.

How I help you

Through private sessions tailored to your body and enjoying the benefits of the fuller Pilates system of exercises. There’s more than the mat and reformer for you to enjoy and I love using the Classical Pilates system to choose the best exercises for your body.

I also provide small group mat classes for 4 to 5 people. You all get lots of attention and support so you get the most out of your classes. I love teaching smaller groups. I’ve run my classes like this for the last 5 years, and everyone who comes to class loves that I can be hands-on with everyone and that I know them and their body well.

Why Classical Pilates

With Classical Pilates I teach you Pilates as a system of exercises. This includes the mat and the original Pilates equipment and I understand how it fits together to help you progress your practice and support what your body needs.

There is an order for the mat and reformer exercises. This means that in classes and sessions with me, you become familiar with the order. This doesn’t mean you do the same thing every time though! 

Instead it helps you become more independent and empowered in your sessions with me and you are able to practice your mat exercises any time on your own. 

We can build flow and stamina and introduce you to more of the exercises as you’re ready.

In your classes, we can explore and play with the exercises you’re familiar with and focus on different things in different classes so you can continue to get more out of your Pilates practice whether you’ve been doing it for 3 months or 10 years.

As Dr Seuss says “Oh, the Places You'll Go!”.

It’s why I love the Classical Pilates system, there's always more to get out of it, and I think you'll love it too.

I look forward to taking you places with your Pilates practice in the new studio soon!


Which Pilates class should I join?


New Pilates studio opening on Belmont Road