4 tips for choosing a Pilates teacher

Fresh from an inspiring weekend with fellow Romana’s Pilates teachers who came together from 17 different countries to continue to learn, I want to share my 4 tips to help you choose a Pilates teacher.

I’ve been buzzing since this trip to Kinetic Pilates in London.

I’d a brilliant private session with Rebecca Convey to kick off on Friday, it feels so good to have a session tailored to exactly what your body needs!

On Saturday and Sunday we enjoyed a mat class each morning and four workshops with Rebecca (Kinetic Pilates), Cynthia Shipley (LifeSpan Pilates), Flora Lombardi (Pilates New York) and my Pilates mama Marjorie Oron (The Pilates Studio).

4 tips to help you choose a Pilates teacher

These can make all the difference to what you get out of doing Pilates. I saw these qualities in the teachers I was surrounded by for the weekend.

Use these tips to know what to look for on a teacher’s website. What do you experience when taking class with them? Feel free to get curious and ask them questions.

  1. Find out about their training

    An obvious one but it’s important to find a teacher with robust training.

    Look for a teacher who is comprehensively trained, who understands and lives Pilates and make sure they are certified to teach it.

    To give you an example, my Romana’s Pilates training was an apprenticeship of 700+ hours of personal practice, teaching practice and observing senior teacher trainers. As well as 5 written exams, 3 teaching exams and constant feedback from my trainers during my 18 months in the training programme.

    They will know how to use the whole Pilates system (that’s the mat exercises and all the Pilates equipment) to support your needs and goals and, where needed, modify the exercises without losing the essence of what Pilates is.

    You have to fully understand Pilates before you can play and get creative with it when you need to.

    I explained why I loved my Classical Pilates training in a previous blog post, if you’re interested, you can read more about that here. Plus you can find out more about why I started teaching Pilates in this blog post.

  2. Choose a teacher who remains a student

    Find a teacher who stays curious.

    If your teacher remains a student for life, they never believe that they know everything about their subject. This benefits you as a student because they keep growing as a teacher.

    I continue to learn through a consistent personal practice, taking classes or private sessions with my teachers, and from teaching you. As well as more formal learning through workshops and continuing professional education.

    This helps me feel Pilates in my body so that I can help you feel it in your body.

  3. Find a teacher that makes it fun

    If you don’t enjoy it, your brain helps you avoid doing it.

    Find a teacher who is a good fit for you and you enjoy doing Pilates with them.

    Nobody can be for everybody in life, which means that not every teacher can be for everyone. But you know how it feels when you find a teacher that you love!

    I have an intro offer to get you started, so we can get to know each other and I can guide you to the next best steps to suit your Pilates practice.

  4. Discover why they teach Pilates

    This isn’t essential but it will help you find a teacher who can best support you to get what you want out of Pilates.

    We all have different bodies, personalities, life experiences and perspectives. This shapes how someone teaches.

    You have your personal reasons for wanting to do Pilates, which will be key to keep you consistent.

Do you have any other tips you want to add? Please share them with me, I’d love to hear from you.

Why do I teach Pilates then?

I want you to enjoy moving your body and to be strong and supple for a lifetime of feeling good in your body.

I help you age better by taking care of your body now and balancing imbalances, which means…

  • You have a better quality of life because you feel good in your body

  • You can manage or avoid pain

  • You are more tuned into your body to help yourself anytime

  • You create balance in your body to avoid overworking or underworking certain parts of your body due to life, work or hobbies

  • You can enjoy doing the things you love

If we sound like a match, you can get started right away with my intro offer.

If you want to know more, get in touch with your questions or you can see what my clients say about doing Pilates with me here.


New Pilates studio opening on Belmont Road


March MATness round up: Hip Circles to Push Up